Friday, February 8, 2013

A witness is power

Testifying of Christ is so vital and important! That is the calling of every prophet, apostle, and missionary who has ever lived and will ever live on this earth. The message that we as members are called to preach is that He, through unspeakable suffering, overcame death and hell. That everyone's tomb will one day be empty and that everyone's soul can again be cleansed and pure through the Savior's Atonement. I know that this is true and it is a privilege and blessing to be apart of this great work. Jesus Christ lives and He can heal our wounded hearts. He personally felt the shame and guilt for each of our sins and for the sins of all mankind. That burden caused Him to tremble because of pain and bleed from every pore as He took upon himself the bitter and brutal cup of sin. I testify that He did pay the price for you and me. He made our repentance possible and through Him we can be cleansed, healed, and transformed. We can qualify for heaven and God's kingdom only through Him! Let us all eagerly accept His promise and invitation, "Come unto me... and I shall give you rest unto you souls." (Matthew 11:28, 30) The faster we come unto Him the faster we will feel of His peace and love in our hearts. So why not start now?

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