Monday, April 8, 2013

(Make Up Post) If there were no television

I am not a person that watches a lot of television. I like to be outside and play sports and do other things with my time. I don't have anything against those who watch T.V. but I never really had a favorite T.V. show growing up. As for me I think that I would be totally fine without television and that it wouldn't really have an effect on me. I feel that there are a lot of bad shows and that those shows can effect our behavior and our thinking. The media can confuse us if we will allow it to. However, I do like watching movies and I know that there are many good shows on television as well. How do you think it would effect you in there was no television? Would it be a good thing or a bad thing for you?


  1. I'd have a lot more time for other things if I didn't have shows to catch up on every week.

  2. If there were no TV I would be much more productive and efficient with my time.
